Arterial Blood Gas
An Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) test measures oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH levels in the blood from an artery to assess lung function and how well oxygen is being distributed throughout the body.

Your doctor has referred you to QML Pathology for an Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) test.

The test

An Allen’s test (checking the pulse of the ulnar and radial arteries) is performed first to check you have good circulation in your wrist. A sample of blood is drawn, preferably from the radial artery in your wrist, to measure how well your lungs transport oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide from your blood. Acidbase balance (pH) is also measured.

Results determine if you are receiving adequate oxygen, whether you have a pH imbalance and allow consideration of treatment requirements. You may feel slight discomfort during the collection.

You will be required to remain at the clinic during the entire procedure.

After care

Firm pressure must be applied to the site for 5 minutes or longer, until the bleeding stops.

A bandage will be placed on your wrist and will be required to remain for one – two hours. Limited activity is to be performed for the following 24 hours. If the site begins to bleed, apply firm pressure until the bleed ceases.

If you have any concerns, or experience burning, numbness or tingling in your hand, consult your GP.

Arterial Blood Gas
Pre-test collection information
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Find a collection centre near you that offers Blood Gas (Arterial) test, or call 07 3121 4444.
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